Welcome to our second online exhibition, coming to you virtually while we remain in lockdown. Thank you to all the artists who have taken part, familiar and new, for helping us put on a show twice as big as our first virtual exhibition last year. Over 100 artworks from Braintree and beyond!
Many of the artworks are for sale, with details on how to contact the artists in the description, should you be interested in purchasing. Click or tap an image to enlarge and view the description.
- Lisa Banks “Kestrel in Summer Meadow” Watercolour on paper, 29 x 38 cm This image was…
- Lisa Banks “Peregrine and Ancient Landscape” Oil paint on linen, 40 x 60 cm Inspired …
- Lisa Banks “Peregrine and Storm” Oil paint on canvas, 20 x 60 cm Inspired by J. A. Ba…
- Mrs Nadine Barrow “Greenwoman” Coloured pencils, 21 x 29.7 cm £45 – Email nadine@theb…
- Claire Bartlett “Another Country” Mixed media on paper, 8” x 12” (A4) A memory of gr…
- Claire Bartlett “April” Watercolour and ink, 8” x 12” (A4) These are flowers from my…
- Claire Bartlett “Marsh Geese” Acrylic and ink on paper, 8” x 12” (A4) £85 (plus post…
- Angela Barton “Rayne Church” Pastel, pencil and watercolour, A4 NFS Since my husband…
- Maxine Blackwell “Abstract in Red 1” Oil, 26 x 26 cm £45 – Phone 07414 665069 I am a…
- Maxine Blackwell “Abstract in Red 11” Oil, 26 x 26 cm £45 – Phone 07414 665069 I am …
- Maxine Blackwell “Lockdown” Oil, 59 x 69 cm £375 – Phone 07414 665069 I am an amateu…
- Stephanie Boyce “Listen” Ink, 13” x 11” Ink painting using handmade brushes. Work don…
- Stephanie Boyce “Nest” Ink and pen work, 13” x 13” It was a time of birds nesting and…
- Stephanie Boyce “With Eye” Ink, 12” x 12” Painting using handmade brushes resulting i…
- Deborah Campbell “Fledgling” Watercolour, A5 Last baby to fledge was caught up in twi…
- Deborah Campbell “Hibiscus” Watercolour and inks, A3 Dabbling with different mediums….
- Deborah Campbell “Less is More” Watercolour, A3 Butterfly on Verbena snapped on my ph…
- Phoebe Campbell “Blue Thai Buddha” Acrylic on canvas, A3 Commissioned for my mum. NFS…
- Phoebe Campbell “Quizzical Hare” Graphite pencil, A2 Work originally for college port…
- Phoebe Campbell “Skull and Folds” Acrylic on canvas, A2 Final piece for sixth form co…
- Denise Coles “Buskers” Acrylic on canvas board with two coats of varnish, 16" x …
- Denise Coles “Duncan the Country Squire” Acrylic, 18" x 14" We like to walk…
- Denise Coles “The Co-operative Shop at Bocking” Acrylic on canvas board with two coat…
- Graham Cooper “exit.no exit3(lastenaufzug)” Photographic ink jet print, 23 x 16.57 cm…
- Graham Cooper “Meeting Room” Photographic ink jet print, 23 x 17 cm (other dimensions…
- Graham Cooper “Walled Garden 12” Photographic ink jet print, 12 x 12 cm (other dimens…
- Debbie Davis “Abby Abstract” Acrylic, 10” x 14” This painting is an abstract acrylic …
- Debbie Davis “Bocking End Braintree” Pastel and watercolour, 14” x 10” Landscape pain…
- Debbie Davis “Reflections” Mixed media, 11” x 15” This painting shows how beautiful r…
- Sarah Emmens “Gaia” Graphite, acrylic, charcoal and carbon, 56 x 40 cm This was such …
- Sarah Emmens “Meredith” Coloured pencil on pastelmat, 30 x 20 cm Meredith is a stunni…
- Sarah Emmens “Stirling” Coloured pencil on pastelmat, 43 x 30 cm Stirling is my paren…
- Chris Everett “Abby” Oil paint, A4 NFS I’m a hobby artist sketching and painting por…
- Chris Everett “Lexie” Charcoal, A4 Character sketch of our dog Lexie. NFS I’m a hobb…
- Chris Everett “Lexie” Chalk pastels, A4 NFS I’m a hobby artist sketching and paintin…
- Robert Finlay “A Classic” Digital (Art Studio, and Art Studio Pro on Ipad), 12.7 x 17…
- Robert Finlay “Rush Hour” Ink, 29.7 x 42 cm Rush Hour is a pointillism drawing. It is…
- Robert Finlay “Stallion” Pencil on Bristol board, 29.7 x 21 cm Stallion is a pencil d…
- Susan Fraser “Carnival” Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm An abstract work inspired by ch…
- Tracy Fuller “My Happy Place” 3D beach treasures I have created this from beach treas…
- Amber Godfrey “Magic” Carbothello Pastel pencils, 30 x 40 cm £150 – Contact via Faceb…
- Elisabeth Goozee “African Wild Dog” Graphite on paper, 38 x 38 cm (15” x 15”) African…
- Elisabeth Goozee “Amur Leopard” Graphite on paper, 51 x 51 cm (20” x 20”) Of all the …
- Elisabeth Goozee “Asian Pangolin” Graphite on paper, 51 x 51 cm (20” x 20”) Pangolins…
- Angela Gridley “Owl” Mixed media (watercolour and acrylic), 34 x 29 cm £20 – Phone 07…
- Angela Gridley “Stampede” Watercolour, 42 x 32 cm £20 – Phone 07500 494088 or 01376 3…
- Angela Gridley “Winter” Oil, 46 x 36 cm £35 – Phone 07500 494088 or 01376 321471 I h…
- Rachael Hudson “Back to Nature” Chalk, 60 x 58 cm My submission piece is driven by ou…
- Md Al-amin Islam “The Hardiest Battle” Pencil on paper 20000 BDT – Contact via WhatsA…
- Ujjwal Kundu “Born” Watercolour on paper, 35 x 28 cm Here I am creating an earth, whe…
- Ujjwal Kundu “Don’t Think” Watercolour on paper, 35 x 28 cm I am creating a light and…
- Ujjwal Kundu “Spring” Watercolour on paper, 35 x 28 cm Spring time is loveable, roman…
- Gary Lawrence “Kos Old Town Bar Café” Pencil on paper, 93” x 87” £5000 – Email garyla…
- Gary Lawrence “On the Balcony Rhodes Old Town” Acrylic on canvas, 83” x 100” £5000 – …
- Gary Lawrence “Greek Island” Biro on paper, 20” x 47” £2000 – Email garylawrenceart@y…
- Gaye Lloyd “Many Zebras” Acrylic, 31” x 31” One of many zebras. £180 – Email gayelloy…
- Gaye Lloyd “The Mad Lion King” Textile, 20” x 20” Made from tiny scraps of fabric wit…
- Carlos Lorenzana “Lane of Perception” Watercolour on paper, 9” x 12” A passage of opp…
- Carlos Lorenzana “Mettle” Watercolour on paper, 9” x 12” Energy growing inside onesel…
- Carlos Lorenzana “Urbanistic” Watercolour on paper, 9” x 12” An abstract urban landsc…
- J Mckendry-Jenkins “Artist Deep in Thought” Digital artwork, A4 NFS Artist working i…
- J Mckendry-Jenkins “Gilchrist Mckendry” Digital artwork, A5 Digital art portrait of G…
- J Mckendry-Jenkins “Scott Gilhooley, Feel the Love” Digital artwork, A4 Digital print…
- Caroline Oakley “Down in New Orleans” Acrylic on canvas, 76 x 61 cm Down in New Orlea…
- Caroline Oakley “Galway Girl” Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 46 cm Galway Girl illustrates j…
- Caroline Oakley “London Calling” Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 30 cm A vibrant skyline of i…
- Tobi Olowoniran “Fishing Day” Watercolour on paper, 16” x 14” Fishing plays an import…
- Tobi Olowoniran “Liberty” Acrylic marker on toned paperboard, 21” x 19” The state of …
- Tobi Olowoniran “The Fall of Man” Graphite pencil on pelican board, 24” x 22” The pie…
- David Pasfield “Autumn Border” Mixed media with acrylics, 60 x 60 cm This was complet…
- David Pasfield “Cornish Landscape” Mixed media, 43 x 43 cm This was painted from a sk…
- David Pasfield “Spring Woods” Mixed media with acrylics, 60 x 60 cm This was a demons…
- Jess PJ “Luna” Watercolour and acrylic, 53 x 53 cm An intimate study of a friend who …
- Jess PJ “Rockland Broad” Watercolour and acrylic, 39 x 26 cm A study of the winter we…
- Jess PJ “Upon Open Sea” Watercolour and acrylic, 47 x 66 cm Inspired by memories of c…
- David Pullen “Thames Barge off Heybridge, Essex” Acrylic, 10” x 8” £75 – Email davidp…
- David Pullen “Towards Godrevy Light House from St. Ives, Cornwall” Acrylic, 10” x 8” …
- David Pullen “View of the Lake, Gosfield, Essex” Acrylic, 10” x 8” £85 – Email davidp…
- JahraTasfia Reza “A Perplexing Walkway” Acrylic on canvas, 25” x 30” £350 – Email jah…
- JahraTasfia Reza “Exuberance Within Apathy” Acrylic on canvas, 25” x 30” £350 – Email…
- JahraTasfia Reza “A Perplexing Walkway” Acrylic on canvas, 25” x 30” £350 – Email jah…
- Sheila Rose “Emma” Watercolour and pencil, 9” x 12” My friend Emma is an artist and a…
- Sheila Rose “Lea” Watercolour, 12” x 16” This is a portrait of a young girl who is mi…
- Sheila Rose “Maleficent and Diaval” Watercolour and pencil, 9” x 12” Inspired by the …
- Cecilia Rouncefield “Eye on the Ball” Hand printed lino cut, 13 x 18 cm £50 (unframed…
- Cecilia Rouncefield “Pangolin” Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 30 cm £50 – Email ceciliarounc…
- Cecilia Rouncefield “Splash!” Hand printed lino cut, 18 x 21 cm £50 (unframed) – Emai…
- Amisha Sagar “Armour” Cardboard, 3D Armour, breastplate, gauntlets and helmet. Made o…
- Amisha Sagar “Blue Tit” Pencil on paper Simple sketch using a HB pencil and regular s…
- Amisha Sagar “Him” Pencil on paper A sketch using a regular HB pencil on sketchbook p…
- James Sewell “Wandering (Winter)” Acrylic and cotton thread on canvas, 61 x 81.2 cm (…
- Penny Smith “Marc Bolan” Watercolour, A3 Blast from the past – one of my 70s idols! N…
- Penny Smith “St Mark’s Square, Venice in the Rain” Pencil, A3 This is drawn from a ph…
- Penny Smith “Suzi Quatro” Watercolour, A3 Blast from the past 2! NFS I studied graph…
- Lynn Stuart-James “Blossom” Acrylics, 40 x 30 cm £45 – Phone 07876 662681 A local ar…
- Lynn Stuart-James “Peonies” Acrylics, 40 x 30 cm £45 – Phone 07876 662681 A local ar…
- Lynn Stuart-James “Waterfall” Oils, 50 x 40 cm £50 – Phone 07876 662681 A local arti…
- Clifford Timinadi “Ikokwu 4 (My Bus Stop)” Acrylic on strawboard, 20” x 20” NFS Port…
- Clifford Timinadi “Oshodi (My Bus Stop)” Acrylic on strawboard, 20” x 20” NFS Port H…
- Clifford Timinadi “Rumuola Bus Stop” Acrylic on strawboard, 14” x 18” NFS Port Harco…
- Poppy Warboys “Clouds” Acrylic paint, A3 Different colour clouds with stars. NFS I’m…
- Poppy Warboys “Colourful Ink” Ink powder, pen, acrylic paint, A3 A lot of rainbow. NF…
- Poppy Warboys “Flowers” Ink powders, water, coloured pen, A2 Galaxies, stars, space a…
- Sue Wicker “Brazen” Acrylic on canvas paper, 16 x 12 cm £165 (inc. postage and packag…
- Sue Wicker “Especially” Acrylic on canvas paper, 16 x 12 cm £165 (inc. postage and pa…
- Sue Wicker “Hidden Agenda” Acrylic on canvas paper, 16 x 12 cm £145 (inc. postage and…
- Victoria Yore “Coffee and Cake” Pencil, 29 x 21 cm £70 – Email vickiyore@sky.com I h…
- Victoria Yore “Little Cottage” Pen and ink, 29 x 21 cm £70 – Email vickiyore@sky.com …
- Victoria Yore “Tiptoe Through the Bluebells” Coloured pencil, 29 x 21 cm £80 – Email …
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