Spanish Classes
March 28, 2018
Machine Embroidery Summer School
May 2, 2018We are currently working on setting up a computer suite at Braintree Community Centre and will be offering classes in a variety of computer skills, for absolute beginners and those looking to improve their skills.
Some of the subjects we would like to be able to offer include:
- Beginners’ courses on email, socail media, using Microsoft Word and more
- Setting up a new iPad, tablet or smartphone
- Advanced courses – using Photoshop, Illustrator etc.
- Drop-in sessions
This is where we need your help! If you would be interested in learning any kind of computer skills please use our online form to register your interest and let us know exactly what would be useful for you – it might be one of the topics above, or something else entirely. This will help us to design a programme of classes that meet the needs of the community and make sure you get what you want!
You can register your interest here: https://www.braintreecommunitycentre.org.uk/register-your-interest/