May 2, 2018

Machine Embroidery Summer School

Following the success of the first Machine Embroidery class back in March, Maggie Harling will be returning to deliver a whole series of classes as part of the Braintree Summer School! There will be six Machine Embroidery workshops over the summer, covering various techniques and providing plenty of opportunity for experimentation. All of the classes will be suitable for any ability level and as standalone classes you can attend as many or as few as you like, and in any combination – however, we will be offering discounts and useful free gifts depending on how many you book! Click here […]
April 9, 2018

Computer Classes Coming Soon!

We are currently working on setting up a computer suite at Braintree Community Centre and will be offering classes in a variety of computer skills, for absolute beginners and those looking to improve their skills. Some of the subjects we would like to be able to offer include: Beginners’ courses on email, socail media, using Microsoft Word and more Setting up a new iPad, tablet or smartphone Advanced courses – using Photoshop, Illustrator etc. Drop-in sessions   This is where we need your help! If you would be interested in learning any kind of computer skills please use our online […]
March 28, 2018

Spanish Classes

We’re happy to announce that weekly Spanish classes will be starting next week on Wednesday 4th April from 7pm to 9pm. The class will be suitable for beginners and the first session will be free as a taster – so if you’ve ever wanted to learn Spanish please do give it a try! If you’d like to sign up, call us on 01376 323280 or use our contact form.
March 6, 2018

Starting Machine Embroidery from the Beginning

Our latest Saturday School class, “Starting Machine Embroidery from the Beginning”, is now only a few days away – don’t miss out on a great day! Maggie Harling will teach you a variety of experimental and creative ways to embroider using your sewing machine. All the new techniques you learn can be used to enhance your own projects. See the full details and reserve your ticket here:
February 28, 2018

Adverse Weather Conditions

Due to bad weather conditions Braintree Community Centre is closed and all classes have been canceled. We will continue to assess the conditions and provide updates via our facebook and twitter feeds.  Please email or visit for all the latest updates. We apologize for any inconveince caused.
February 23, 2018

Saturday School Classes

We currently have two special full-day Saturday classes coming up – don’t forget you can now book and reserve your tickets online! At “Starting Machine Embroidery from the Beginning” you can learn new creative and experimental techniques to use with your sewing machine. This class is now only three weeks away, on Saturday 17th March. We still have some places available – book while you still can! “Tiny Samplers” was originally scheduled to take place in January, but had to be postponed and is now taking place on Saturday 5th May. At this class you’ll learn how to make a […]
October 24, 2017

Term Times

The Centre will be closed for Christmas from 21st December 2017 to 2nd January 2018, so there will be no classes or bookings taken for this period. Please consult your class tutors for specific finishing dates. Our full programme of classes can be found here: – including languages, art, and even cake decorating. If you think you might be interested in one of our classes but aren’t quite sure yet, you can try your first session for free before deciding if you would like to join the class or not. Feel free to contact the office to arrange your taster […]