October 26, 2023

Portable Appliance Testing Day

**Friday November 24th @ 11am and 2pm** The Centre is having portable appliances tested on this day. All centre users may bring in their own appliances to be tested, for a fee of £2.00 for the first item, and £1.50 for each extra item. This service is being arranged specifically for appliances that you bring into the Centre, but you may bring in up to five items altogether. For example, you may have a sewing machine, iron, kettle, or fan to be tested – but if you are not sure, do please ask. Please note that: Items will automatically fail […]
October 17, 2023

Half Term Holiday Club

Free workshop provided by Making It Mindful, at 1.30pm – 4pm on Wednesday 25th October, for children aged between 6 and 11 years from low-income families and on benefit related free school meals. Find out more and book here. Join Milli and team for a jam packed session where we will be making some cool crafts and playing lots of fun activity games. A free lunch is provided to all children attending. Spaces are limited so please book early to secure your child’s place. Staff are trained in SEND level 1
July 21, 2021

Braintree Community Centre Reopening Event

The Community Centre are having an event to officially re-open, to “receive” the new apple tree from Dolphin WI, and for the re-dedication of the Community Heroes Plaque (previously located in George Yard). The Chair of Braintree District Council, Cllr. Sue Wilson, has accepted the invitation to come to represent the community at the event and to accept the Centre’s thanks for the local Community Grants they have recently received. Saturday 18th September 2021, 12pm to 3pm. Free tickets can be booked via Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/braintree-community-centre-reopening-event-tickets-163490262777
February 14, 2021

Braintree Open Online Art Exhibition 2021

Happy Valentine’s Day! Welcome to our second online exhibition, coming to you virtually while we remain in lockdown. Thank you to all the artists who have taken part, familiar and new, for helping us put on a show twice as big as our first virtual exhibition last year. Over 100 artworks from Braintree and beyond! View the exhibition here on the website, or on Facebook.
November 8, 2020

Virtual Craft Market

Announcing our first Virtual Craft Market! Please join the group and invite your friends: https://facebook.com/groups/virtualmarketbraintreecommunitycentre Browse and buy a range of handmade items and craft supplies from local independent sellers, over the weekend of Friday 11th to Sunday 13th December. If you’d be interested in selling at the market, all the information you need and an online application form can be found here: https://www.braintreecommunitycentre.org.uk/virtual-market/virtual-market-seller-application/
October 5, 2020

Braintree Open Online Art Gallery 2020 Live!

We’re pleased to welcome you to the first Braintree Open Online Art Exhibition, with work submitted by artists in and around the Braintree area. We hope you enjoy it! The gallery can be found here on the website, or on our Facebook page. Thank you to all the artists who have shared their work with us and supported the Braintree Open Art Exhibition through these strange times. If you’d like to be kept informed of future events, you can subscribe to our art email list.